Various Information on Finance

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  1. Yahoo Finance Section
  2. Jim Cramer The Street
  3. CNBC finance news
  4. CNBC Television Youtube Channel

Channels that are dedicated to Tech Hardware and such

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Various Youtube Channels that can be good to frequent
  1. Fleabitten Adventures Random Mall / FleaMarket /Thrifting / Antique Shopping
  2. Vinegar Syndrome Boutique Physical Media youtube channel

Remember Newsgroups well now its complicated for Warez but still exist

No subgroups found for this group.

  1. Drunken SLug Newsgroups Group for Post etc.
  2. Ninja Central Newsgroups Group for Post etc.
  3. BinSearch find Binary groups that have what you looking for

Resources for Hosting Free Hosting of your creations

No subgroups found for this group.

  1. NeoCities Org remember geocities Static Web Site Hosting
  2. Somee free web hosting, has Database and many languages .NET PHP etc.

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do everything for Privacy and instance only as possible. Never trust the questionable sites :-)

Site for Information on Download Sites

  1. Reddit download Links for Movie sites

Use sites as Downloader to Tube Sites

  1. use to download from stream LInk

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Site is produced by a Human not by A.I., remember folks its in the name Artificial Intelligence is like Artificaial Grass Stop being an Me-Idiot and get off social media, you are just a resource to Facebooks, LinkedIn, Instagram and all the others